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main magnetic field中文是什么意思

用"main magnetic field"造句"main magnetic field"怎么读"main magnetic field" in a sentence


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  • Long tr images show greater signal heterogeneity within the lesion core as a function of increasing te , probably because of the paramagnetic properties of hemorrhage : the main magnetic field is locally augmented by paramagnetic material and therefore a susceptibility difference is produced
    长tr影像作为一种增加功能的te ,对病变中心显影更多的不均匀高信号区,这可能是源于出血产生的顺磁效应,即主要磁场的局部由于顺磁材料产生的磁性差异产生的一种结果。
  • 5 , covering most of the electrical enclosure is a very winding deputy central called short circuit central , president ; it adopted covering a small fraction of the polar magnetic field , thereby generating another round of the synchronized with the main magnetic field is very magnetic field ; after the formation of a magnetic field interaction between two oval rotary magnetic field
用"main magnetic field"造句  
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